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Wuzi Yanzong Soft capsules Wuzi Yanzong Soft capsules
Wuzi Yanzong Soft capsules Wuzi Yanzong Soft capsules

Wuzi Yanzong Soft capsules

seed of life for both men and women

Specification: in bottle: 0.6gX36s, 0.6gX63s; in sheet: 0.6gX72s

OTC an exclusive dosage form in China

People of reproductive age: good for men and women, prenatal and postnatal care
Youth male: promote sexual function, relieve physical fatigue
Middle-aged people: improve life quality, delaying senescence

Advanced soft capsule technology, safer and better curative effect than traditional pills: multistage extraction, concentrated essence, remove of impurity pesticide, no objectional odor,

【Drug name】 Common name: Wuzi Yanzong Ruanjiaonang
Hanyupinyin: Wuzi Yanzong Ruanjiaonang
【Ingredients】 wolfberry fruit, the seed of Chinese dodder(fried), raspberry, semen plantaginis(hot salt frying), kadsura longepedunculata(steamed)。
ingredients: vegetable oil, beewax
【Properties】 This product is soft capsule with contents of medium brown thick paste, sour in taste, little sweet and light bitter taste.
【Major functions】 nourish the kidney and strengthen the essence, lumbago due to kidney-asthenia, dribble of urine。
【Specification】 0.6g/pill
【Dosage】 oral, 3 pills/time, 3 times/day

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