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Vitamin C Tablets Vitamin C Tablets

Vitamin C Tablets

Specification: 0.1gX100s, 500s


1. National essential drugs
2. Excellent quality, rich varieties
for prevention of scurvy; and for adjuvant therapy of acute and chronic infectious disease and purpura

【Drug name】 Common name: Vitamin C Tablets
Hanyupinyin: Weishengsu C Pian
【Ingredients】 100mg of vitamin C/pill; ingredients: starch, dextrin, microcrystalline cellulose, Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid, magnesium stearate
【Properties】 white to light yellow pills

OTC drug of vitamin type 

【Indications】 for prevention of scurvy; and for adjuvant therapy of acute and chronic infectious disease and purpura
【Specification】 100mg
【Dosage】 oral; for supplement of vitamin C: 1 pill/day for adult; for treatment of vitmain C deficiency disease: 1~2 pills/time for adult, 3 times/day: 1-3 pill/day for children; at least for 2 weeks

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